secret hook writing trick to attract ideal clients

Before we start cookin' today...

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Last night I hosted a group Q&A sesh on Zoom.

It was exclusively for 15 Minute Content members.

Fun session.

I love nerding out on content, copywriting and social strategies with other people who love nerding out on it too.

One interesting question came up:

"My content is getting good engagement. But I'm struggling to attract my ideal client to my posts. What should I do?"

We opened up their LinkedIn profile.

Had a whizz through their most recent posts.

The problem was clear:

They weren't calling out their ideal client.

If you want to attract your ideal client to your content?

You have to be REALLY obvious about it.

Like, really really really obvious.

So obvious, you have to say their name in the first line of the post.

(aka the hook)

Here's an example hook...

"How to get leads faster with content marketing:"

It speaks to a desired outcome, which is great.

But I have no idea who this is for.

Is it for me? Is it for CEOs? Is it for Marketing Execs at SaaS brands?

I don't know.

All we need to do is make one simple addition...

"How SaaS CEOs can get leads faster with content marketing:"

Ta da :)

Feels obvious right?

By calling out explicitly who your post is for, it stops that particular person in their tracks when they're scrolling because they feel SEEN.

It's like if you're walking down the street and someone calls your name.

You look to see where it came from.

Now, it's easy to give advice like this.

But it works.

I know because when I want to spin up a post that attracts my ideal client, I do this.

And when I write up posts with my clients, we do this.

And any student of The Digital Copywriter, will do this.

It's one of the Social Copywriting tactics that helped one of my clients, an agency owner, close $100k from LinkedIn in just 2 months.

This is just ONE of the tactics I use to write LinkedIn sales posts.

But for most people, writing sales posts gives them the ick.

So much, they never sell.

And that's a BIG mistake.

Because you could be leaving new business out there, floating in the ether.

You could have sleeping leads waiting to be "woken" with the right content.

I, though, don't hate selling.

I love it.

2 days ago I made you an offer:

I will write ONE month of LinkedIn sales posts for you in just 7 days.

Two spots have been snapped up already.

Final spot will likely get taken today.

If you want it, let me know.

I'll email another couple times or until the last spot gets taken.

Here are the details below for you. Reply back "POST" if you want that last spot or have any questions.

Does writing sales posts on LinkedIn give you the ick?

If yes...would you like me to write your next one month of LinkedIn sales posts FOR you in just 7 days?

Here's the deal:

I've been writing LinkedIn content for 2.5 years now. Written over 10,000 pieces of content for myself + clients.

That content has helped influence over $2M in revenue.

The problem with writing sales posts is people hate selling.

They think it's icky, distasteful and they lack the confidence to promote themselves.

So they never do it.

And that's a mistake because just ONE compelling sales post can get you a whole bunch of new inbound enquiries.

For example, for the last 4 months I've been working 1-1 with a career coach helping them write LinkedIn sales posts and just last month they did $44k!

Now I'm not claiming their LinkedIn sales posts I helped them write did ALL of that.

But it played a big part in getting interested inbound leads to close.

So I'm looking for 3 people to do a trial run on at a big ol' discount.


I will write ONE month of LinkedIn sales posts for you in just 7 days.

Let me know if you're interested by replying "POST" and I'll get you the details.

I've seen first hand the power of compelling sales posts on LinkedIn.

Don't let your lack of confidence get in the way of seeing that too.


Matt The Hook Artist Barker / LinkedIn / Twitter / Threads / Substack

P.S. if you want to upgrade your Social Copywriting game, here's how I can help you today:

Speed → Go from spending 1 hour writing content, to 15 minutes. Save time, improve engagement and level up your writing at lightning speed. Get weekly templates with 15 Minute Content. (68 readers)

Inbound Leads → Stop chasing your next client, start attracting them with compelling social copy. Get instant access to The Digital Copywriter. (403 students)

Hooks → Write hooks that make dream clients start reading. Get the 90 minute training, Easy Money Hooks. (77 students)

Stories → Discover how I write stories that pop on social in less than 30 mins. Get the 90 minute training, Poppin' Social Stories. (50 students)

Getting started → Write faster, more engaging content in 30 days. Start the 30 Days of LinkedIn Content challenge today. (1,000+ students)

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Matt Barker

Join 11,000+ readers of The Digital Writer for no-nonsense tips, strategies and advice to attract your dream clients with social copywriting.

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