the difference between top and bottom funnel posts

It's tempting to chase views.

That feeling when a post pops off...

Oh baby.

It's euphoric.

Flicking back and forth, checking how quick engagement grows.

You feel like a rockstar.

Playing in front of 80,000 at Wembley.

Everyone loves you, chanting your name and they can't get enough.


When it all just sort of...ends.

And then you're stuck chasing it over and over again, literally, like a drug.

Pretty mad when you think about it.

This is what top of funnel posts are like.

Here's a recent example of one of my top of funnel posts.

2,081 likes and 137,746 views.

But what about bottom of funnel posts?

Here's a recent example of one of my bottom of funnel posts.

173 likes and 9,163 views.

Sad times...right?

No. Not right. Wrong.

The purpose of a bottom of funnel post is to create the exact opposite effect of a top of funnel post.

I want most people to ignore it.

I want most people to be uninterested.

Instead of an 80,000 crowd at Wembley, I'm looking for a 100 person crowd at a very specific local pub where I know that one specific person is hanging out who COULD give me a huge record deal.

Aka, I'm looking to attract my dream client.

In the example above, I'm looking to get a:


- With 15,000 followers

- Who posts daily

- Who is interested in my Content Consulting service

Fired up and feeling like they're missing out.

The difference between top of funnel and bottom of funnel posts?

It's not just in the amount views or engagement.

It's who you want to view or engage.

Now you know the difference.

But the next problem?

Writing the damn posts without spending hours on it.

I've written over 10,000 pieces of content.

And I found the fastest way to write content:

Use templates.

I make it even faster for you with 15 Minute Content.

I create the templates (myself) and send them to you directly.

One instantly. Then two weekly (Monday and Thursday) after that.

So, one question:

Do you want to write top and bottom funnel content, in 15 minutes (not 1 hour)?

Yes, I want to write content in 15 minutes or less.


Matt The Bottom Funnel Sniper Barker / LinkedIn / Twitter / Threads / Substack

P.S. if you want to upgrade your Social Copywriting game, here's how I can help you today:

Speed → Go from spending 1 hour writing content, to 15 minutes. Save time, improve engagement and level up your writing at lightning speed. Get weekly templates with 15 Minute Content. (68 readers)

Inbound Leads → Stop chasing your next client, start attracting them with compelling social copy. Get instant access to The Digital Copywriter. (403 students)

Hooks → Write hooks that make dream clients start reading. Get the 90 minute training, Easy Money Hooks. (77 students)

Stories → Discover how I write stories that pop on social in less than 30 mins. Get the 90 minute training, Poppin' Social Stories. (50 students)

Getting started → Write faster, more engaging content in 30 days. Start the 30 Days of LinkedIn Content challenge today. (1,000+ students)

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Matt Barker

Join 11,000+ readers of The Digital Writer for no-nonsense tips, strategies and advice to attract your dream clients with social copywriting.

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