this just hit £1k MRR

15 Minute Content just hit £1,000 MRR 🥳

They say building paid newsletters is a slow burner.

"They" were right.

I've been casually talking about 15 Minute Content for the last 3-4 months, but never really going "all in" on it.

Because I have other products I'm proud of that I want people to know about.

Side Note: I watched this cool video of Tyler The Creator on the importance of promoting your creations. If you ever doubt yourself for promoting your products or think you're being selly/pushy, watch it.

The problem with having multiple products to talk about is that you spread yourself thinner and slow growth of everything.

If I went "all in" on just one, then that product would likely grow faster.

But the way my business is built is that I have multiple revenue streams. And multiple products that suit different folks in my audience.

It's not a bad thing.

The ultimate goal is to automate the sales process.

Email has been the number one driver of sales.

I've only been talking about it on email, bar a few social posts, so it makes sense.

But email has this way of connecting and speaking to your audience that social doesn't.

Social is still unbelievably important AND I actually get equal amount of clients for my high ticket services from LinkedIn as I do email.

I noticed that talking about "saving time writing" drove better sales than "make more money".

Being a good copywriter is about testing different pains and triggers.

Then identifying which one hits the best.

Then doubling down on it.

It's the same with social content, too. Test hooks, test ideas, test formats.

Find the combination that your audience responds best too and double down.

If you have different offers and products, those triggers that work will be different for each one.

It seems surprising that saving time worked better than make more money, but maybe because the price point is low and the outcome is simple and realistic, it resonates and feels more achievable.

Makes me laugh how simple it is, but how complex we often make it.

That's why I made 15 Minute Content stupidly simple.

I send you 2 templates every week.

I give you an example of real world use, explain why it worked and where it fits in your content strategy.

You go from spending 1 hour writing a post, to 15 minutes.

And you become a better social copywriter in the process.

I learned how to write copy on social using templates.

So I'm helping you do the same, quickly 🙂

Get the templates here:

All for £19/month.


Matt The Time Saver Barker / LinkedIn / Twitter / Threads / Substack

P.S. if you want to upgrade your Social Copywriting game, here's how I can help you today:

Speed → Go from spending 1 hour writing content, to 15 minutes. Save time, improve engagement and level up your writing at lightning speed. Get weekly templates with 15 Minute Content. (68 readers)

Inbound Leads → Stop chasing your next client, start attracting them with compelling social copy. Get instant access to The Digital Copywriter. (403 students)

Hooks → Write hooks that make dream clients start reading. Get the 90 minute training, Easy Money Hooks. (77 students)

Stories → Discover how I write stories that pop on social in less than 30 mins. Get the 90 minute training, Poppin' Social Stories. (50 students)

Getting started → Write faster, more engaging content in 30 days. Start the 30 Days of LinkedIn Content challenge today. (1,000+ students)

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Matt Barker

Join 11,000+ readers of The Digital Writer for no-nonsense tips, strategies and advice to attract your dream clients with social copywriting.

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