writing LinkedIn posts on the spot?

Writing your LinkedIn posts on the spot.

You might think you’re ‘putting the reps in’ and practising, but you’re actually:

- Not writing in a creative environment

- Not writing with direction or clarity

- Not writing like a copywriter

The last one is important.

A copywriter writes to drive action.

And if you’re writing content on LinkedIn to generate leads and get new clients, you need action.

I was the same. I wasn’t a copywriter. And I wondered why I wasn’t getting any attention or making any money.

But then I learned to use:

- Templates

- Frameworks

- Structures

Like all pro copywriters do.

And guess what:

It worked.

It wasn’t long after I started learning to write like the best copywriters, that leads started flowing and LinkedIn looked promising.

And because I had templates to write, I:

- Wrote content in 15-30 minutes, not 1 hour

- Scheduled 2 x posts per day, not 1 post

- Had more time ON my biz, not IN it

This is the thing…

Writing content shouldn’t be time consuming.

Writing content shouldn’t be stressful.

Writing content SHOULD be profitable.

Writing content SHOULD be enjoyable.

Just like Jens, a Social Copywriter, who now writes his LinkedIn content in 1-2 hours a week, not 10-20 hours:

I want to do the hard work for you so you:

- Save time writing

- Generate more leads

- Spend more time growing your biz

All by applying the 15 Minute Content templates.

You'll get the first one sent to you immediately.

Then every Monday and Thursday after that.

Get the templates here:


The best thing is this doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

It's just £19 today.

Then £19 every month until you don't need or want them anymore.

(link doesn't expire, but the longer you keep spending hours writing content the longer you hold back your business' growth)


Matt The Social Copywriter Barker

mattbarker.xyz / LinkedIn / Twitter / Threads / Substack

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Matt Barker

Join 11,000+ readers of The Digital Writer for no-nonsense tips, strategies and advice to attract your dream clients with social copywriting.

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