How I stopped making excuses (and started making time for my Escape Plan):

Alright, confession.

I used to spend HOURS every single day on Whatsapp.

  • Instantly replying to group chats
  • Sitting waiting for notifications to pop up
  • Being a keyboard warrior

But I loved it. I got a buzz off it.

Until I started my own business from zero.

And I was wasting precious time every day that could’ve been spent getting my next client or you know, making money to pay for my rent?

I know, dumb.

I ended up thinking I had “no time”.

But it was an excuse, I was avoiding the hard work.

Once I changed my mindset, ditched the excuses and focused…

I had all the time in the world.

And now I’m buzzing to be in the position I’m in.

Here’s the thing though:

I know too many people in 9-5 jobs who are unsatisfied.

But say they have “no time” to build their Escape Plan.

So if you’re still making “no time” excuses, here’s 3 brutally honest lessons from someone who is not a productivity guru but…did manage to quit his 9-5, ditch his Whatsapp addiction, create free time, actually focus and build a semi-successful one person business that makes a lot more money than the 9-5 job:

Lesson 1. Realise the “no time” excuse is holding you back

You can keep saying you have no time. But the truth is you’re not prioritising your escape plan.

And that lack of prioritising leads to:

  • Feeling frustrated with yourself
  • Feeling glum about your future
  • Doubting your ability in yourself

I know because I’ve felt all of this.

Nothing will change until you change.

This is fact.

Lesson 2. You DO have 45 minutes without sacrificing your life

  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier
  • Go to bed 15 minutes later
  • Take a poo for 15 minutes longer

Boom, you have 45 minutes to grow your Escape Plan.

Alright I’m kinda kidding with the poo thing but seriously, think about how long you spend sat on the can doom scrolling. Replace that with tasks that grow your Escape Plan.

Sacrificing a little TV and social media time every day is the easiest time gainer.

No brainer to use it investing in your future.

Lesson 3. Treat your future like it’s worth your time

I always believed I could be and do better.

Not sure why, just had this feeling my whole life I’d make something of myself. So when it came to building the foundations of my new business, I spent my time assuming it would drive me to fulfilling my destiny.

(sounds kinda bleurgh but self belief is unbelievably powerful)

If your future includes starting a family and spending as much possible time to see your kids grow up, start building for it now.

That future is worth every single minute of time you spend on it.


  1. Realise the “no time” excuse is holding you back
  2. You DO have 45 minutes without sacrificing your life
  3. Treat your future like it’s worth your time

Stop telling yourself you don’t have time.

Find small pockets of 15 minutes here and there.

And treat your future like it’s worth the investment.

The progress will follow.


Matt Barker

P.S. time is not infinite, so we need save as much time as possible and that includes...saving time writing social copy. Write faster and you create more time for sales, marketing, family, downtime.

On Wednesday 9th October I'm hosting a free Zoom training called "The 5 Minute Daily Writing System".

I'll show you the exact system that is allowing me to spend 5 minutes writing and create unique, long form educational content (like this newsletter) every single day.

I'd love for you to join us.

Yes, I want to write faster Matt.

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Matt Barker

Join 11,000+ readers of The Digital Writer for no-nonsense tips, strategies and advice to attract your dream clients with social copywriting.

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