
Matt Barker

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writing LinkedIn posts on the spot?

Writing your LinkedIn posts on the spot. You might think you’re ‘putting the reps in’ and practising, but you’re actually: - Not writing in a creative environment - Not writing with direction or clarity - Not writing like a copywriter The last one is important. A copywriter writes to drive action. And if you’re writing content on LinkedIn to generate leads and get new clients, you need action. I was the same. I wasn’t a copywriter. And I wondered why I wasn’t getting any attention or making...

One of the biggest mistakes people make is spending too long writing content. I've worked with 50+ founders and solopreneurs and the majority of them take at least 1 hour to write up a single post. Some even 2-3 hours. That's an insane amount of time. It's not ideal because if you do some quick math: 2 hours per post. 5 posts per week. 5 x 2 = 10 hours per week writing posts. 10 hours! That's 40 hours a month writing content. Don't get me wrong I'm a huge believer in the power of content....

Today's email is brought to you by 15 Minute Content Something I do all the time with my content on LinkedIn and something you'll see top creators on the platform do to make people remember their content. This is important, because most people who read content online completely forget what they just read about 5 minutes later. But most creators spend little or no time at all on a memorable ending. Look at this: This is a screenshot of the ending of a post I put out on LinkedIn. One of the...

I'm gonna be straight with you. I've been unbelievably busy lately. We're back in London for a month, because next Saturday we're getting married officially. We're living out of parents houses. We're seeing friends, hopping on tubes and trains for hours every day just to get across London (seriously yesterday it took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to my friend's house 13 miles away). We've travelled hours across country to see my parents. We've had stag parties, hen parties. We've met...

I keep my circle close. In my group of best pals there's 9 of us. It's been that way for a long long time. And in my 10 year career as a marketer, I would rarely share anything about my personal life in the office to my workmates. Only the ones I really felt comfortable around would get a little peak. I'm always immediately skeptical of new people and how much I let them into my life. It's frustrating at times for me, because I want to be the person who makes new friends on a whim. Meeting a...

Showing your target audience what benefits they gain from your product/service often starts from showing them what problem it can solve. So when it comes to translating your product/services value prop into a hook, I'd think about it like this: If this is the benefit, what's the problem it solves? I've written countless hooks for posts on social now. The best ones always resonate with a real and painful problem, which I then go on to show the reader the solution inside the post. Here's a...

On Sunday I returned from my stag party. It was an amazing weekend and I'm grateful for the legends in my life that made it memorable. I was able to not go on LinkedIn, emails or anything for 4 days and my business still continued because I wrote up content before and scheduled it in. (i love scheduling tools so much) Today I'm back at it, Reader. One of the posts I put out on LinkedIn over the weekend was a carousel. Here is the carousel. Everyone keeps saying carousels are dead. But this...

A quick reminder for you today: Copywriting isn't just for copywriters. The biggest and best founders in the world all realise that writing online is a massively high leverage skill. And they use it to attract business, not chase it. This saves them a hell of a lot of time and energy in the long run. Yes, it takes time and energy upfront to learn the skill and thinking behind great copywriting. But if you understand what words need to be put in what order and when and you know how to do that...

A big cheers to our sponsors who help keep this newsletter free: March LinkedIn Growth Challenge: Use Taplio to gain 1,000 followers in 30 days or get a full refund! Join today. Copywriting, especially for social media, is a skill. It’s not easy to master. Most people will never master it. Because to master it, it requires 1,000s of hours, 1,000s of pieces of content, 1,000s of hooks written and countless days with aching fingers. Not nice. You need time and discipline and not much of a...

Read time: 4 minutes 24th Feb 24 Win a FREE copy of The Digital Copywriter On Friday 1st March, The Digital Copywriter course is back open. Over 250 founders and solopreneurs grabbed it last time it was available. They've all learned how to start attracting the right clients with copywriting in less than 2 hours. If you want early access to that and the chance to win 1 of 5 FREE copies, click here to hop on the waitlist. I used to think stories were for genius creative writers. So, I didn’t...